
User Guide


Feature 1

Add task you need to do into the task list.


todo - Describe action

Type todo keywords and follow with the discription of the task to add the todo type tasks into the list.

Example of usage:

todo read book

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task: [T] ✘ read book Now you have 1 in the list.

### Feature 2 Add task you have to do within deadline into the task list.

## Usage

### deadline - Describe action

Type deadline keywords and follow with the discription of the task to add the deadline type tasks into the list.

Example of usage:

deadline return book /by Monday 10pm

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task: [D] ✘ return book | Monday 10pm Now you have 2 in the list.

### Feature 3 Add event you have to attend within a period into the task list.

## Usage

### event - Describe action

Type event keywords and follow with the discription of the task to add the event type tasks into the list.

Example of usage:

event meeting with friend /at Monday 5pm-6pm

Expected outcome:

Got it. I've added this task: [D] ✘ meeting with friend | Monday 5pm-6pm Now you have 3 in the list.

Feature 4

Use list feature to list all the task inside the task list.

## Usage

### list - Describe action

Type list keywords to show all the tasks in the list.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

----------- 1.[D] ✘ aaa (by: 11月 9 2020) 2.[E] ✘ bb (at: 10月 6 2020) 3.[T] ✓ aaa 4.[T] ✘ read book -----------

Feature 5

Add task you need to do into the task list.


done - Describe action

Type done keywords and follow with the number of the task to mark the task as done.

Example of usage:

done 3

Expected outcome:

----------------- Nice! I've marked this task as done: [✓] aaa

Feature 5

Add task you need to do into the task list.


bye - Describe action

Type bye keywords to exit the program.

Example of usage:


Expected outcome:

---------------- Bye. Hope to see you again soon! Process finished with exit code 0